The Beat Podcast from Staffordshire Police
Ever wondered how the police go about keeping your county safe or do you ever just want to know why we make certain decisions? Staffordshire Police has introduced The Beat Podcast to help give you an insight into how we police and prevent crime in our beautiful county through the eyes of those on the front line.
The Beat Podcast from Staffordshire Police
Episode 3 - Knife Crime: Tackling The Issue
Knife crime is a community issue and it’s crucial that those at risk are aware of the support available to them. Staffordshire Police is just “one part of the jigsaw” when it comes to tackling the issue of knife crime and partnership work is key to ensuring young people aren’t drawn into a life of criminality. In this episode we’re joined by Kate Beardmore, a Youth Violence Officer at Staffordshire Police and Gemma Mander, a Service Coordinator at Catch22 and discuss the impact of social media, the role of the community and the importance of getting each child the right help.
Ever wondered how the police go about keeping your county safe or do you ever just want to know why we make certain decisions? Staffordshire Police has introduced The Beat Podcast to help give you an insight into how we police and prevent crime in our beautiful county through the eyes of those on the front line.
Hosted by former LBC reporter turned Staffordshire Police Communications Officer, Tom Bushell.
Have any questions? Drop us an email at thebeatpodcast@staffordshire.pnn.police.uk